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Getting your lawn ready for autumn care

Power Equipment

Short of having fake grass resembling a Maccas playground, your lawn is always going to be a work in progress. But, better to put in a bit of work for a thriving lawn than leave one ruined by neglect and the elements. With that, how to best maintain your lawn is largely directed by the seasons, and how those seasons behave year on year depending on where you are in the country. For example, some areas have experienced significant rainfall over this past summer, while others are savouring every drop of rain. As we transition into autumn, we’re working with colder climates creeping in, rejuvenation of leaves (read: heaps to rake up!) and a lot of “will it, won’t it” guessing for rain or sunshine. So, while we can never be 100% confident about how a season will play out, there are some autumn-specific tips to help keep your lawn tip top. 

Mow regularly

With a good quality mower, at whatever size that is best for your lawn (read how to cut your lawn like a pro with Toro) you can keep your grass really healthy with regular mowing, without worrying about over mowing. With temperatures dropping a bit, your autumn lawn won’t need to be mown as much as you would in summer, but you still shouldn’t be leaving it for weeks on end. Every second week should do the job, and it’s a good idea to raise the mower for a slightly longer cut to block weeds coming through and to retain the green colour.

Lay new turf

Due to more moisture in the air and (hopefully) natural and moderate watering, you can keep some beautiful new turf alive using very little household water. Try and lay it on a day that is fairly neutral and autumn will be the perfect segue for decent root establishment before cold winter hits.

Rake it easy

When the leaves turn amber, it looks great. Until they all fall off, shrivel and suffocate our lawn. This can inhibit growth and ruin what has already grown. It’s all part of Mother Nature’s rejuvenation though, and we don’t want to impede on her vibe. Instead, you have to take out the trusty rake. However, how you rake can make a big difference to the health of your lawn this Autumn. Try not to rake in wet conditions (you’ll just rip at the grass, and the leaves sticking to the rake will be annoying). Pick a nice dry breezy (but not mega windy) day, with fine toothed rake (bamboo and metal is really good, but a plastic one will suffice), and lightly move the leaves. Don’t go against the breeze! 

Check your mower

Seasonal change can be a good time to do some recon on your lawn gear. An old or lower quality mower might have become part of the furniture in your shed, but it doesn’t mean it’s right for your or the health of your lawn. If you have moved to a bigger or smaller lot of land, are experiencing your own physical changes to ability (pushing a mower is a bit more difficult these days, for example), or are simply due for an upgrade, it’s time to take a look at investing in a higher quality mower that will be far more beneficial in the long run. This can ensure you aren’t having to fix lawn mistakes, using more petrol than you should or even hurting yourself. If it’s not working for you or your lawn, it’s time to say goodbye. 

If you’re looking for a new toro lawn mower, give Sutto’s a call today and see if our range will fit your lawn arsenal. 

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